Life Of A Fan

Monday, January 4, 2021


              Photo credit: Shutterstock

Kay got to her house, treated herself and she was lucky enough that Jonah couldn't inject more than he had, otherwise she would have lost her life. However, she wasn't ready to give up. She always take down her victims, she has never met anyone this tough to kill, anyone this challenging. Thinking about it made her furious. She was standing in front of her mirror, looking at herself and the thought of not being able to take down her victim number four made her so angry she began to cut herself with her hair pin-like pen knife. She was cutting herself, little by little and glaring at the mirror, she was going to track down Jonah, find him and kill him. She touched her bleeding palm on her mirror and chuckled.

Jonah tried to fly out of the state as soon as possible but he couldn't get a flight for that day so he stayed back for another day. He ended up changing his mind when he thought, what if Kay tracks him down in the plane and attacks him, he can't just jump off a plane so he decided to go by road. 

He got a car off someone and embarked on his journey as early as before sunrise. He wanted to be far away before Kay tracks him down. The car was an old blue 2005 Volkswagen Passat, it wasn't new but it equally wasn't rusty.

Jonah put his bag in the boot of the car and started the engine and it kicked off fine. He drove for about 80 minutes and was speeding straight through the express when he noticed a monster power bike riding fast towards him. Someone was on it, the person was on all black. Black leather pants, black shirt, black leather Jacket and leather black boots. At first, Jonah didn't bother until the monster power bike was closing up on him and was obviously following him, that was when he packnied.

The power bike drove past Jonah's car, drove a little further and instantly reversed, facing Jonah. Jonah pulled the brakes immediately and the car came to a stop. Right in the middle of the expressway, they both faced each other and cars were swifting past them. The monster biker took off the helmet and it was Kay. Jonah shook, but he wasn't so surprised. He expected that she will track him. "Clearly, I have no choice than to use my martial arts skills." Jonah said to himself, still on this wheel.

Jonah used to be a member of a martial arts club, many years ago. He may be rusty but he must save his own life as the police still can't track down Kay. 

Kay got off the bike and stood facing Jonah and his car. Jonah equally got down, and stood facing her. They seem to care less about the cars swifting past them. Kay smiled, and pulled out a different hair pin from her hair, the other penknife hair pin was still in her hair. She pressed the hair pin and it popped out a longer slim knife. "You like my new hair pin? Extra sharp." She chuckled. Jonah clenched his fist, and maintained his gaze at her. Kay threw her helmet at him and he dodged, the helmet fell on the ground making a loud rickety sound.

Kay attacked him immediately, rushing towards him and swinging the sword like knife to cut him and Jonah ducked. He stepped on her toe, which made her lose balance then he kicked her at the back of the knee. She knelt on one knee, and he used his elbow to stab the side of her neck. Then he withdrew, positioned his fist and gave her time to get up. She looked at him in dismay, got up and flexed her shoulders to ease the pain on her neck. "I see, you are a tough one." She said. Jonah ignored her, keeping his position.

They both charged towards each other and Kay gave him a powerful kick to the face that sent him falling to the ground on his back. She stomped on his stomach with her boot, hurting his guts. Jonah held her boot, trying to get her foot off him. She used her knife to make a little cut on his right shoulder, Jonah let out a grunt. His shoulder began to bleed and her boot constantly grinding his guts, provoked the injury from the stabbing she had stabbed him to start bleeding afresh. Jonah was in pain, and Kay was enjoying it. Those driving past them at the express seemed to not care at all. Besides, very few cars were driving by so no one could really help Jonah. Kay cut him again, this time, on his other shoulder. Jonah let out another painful grunt and suddenly he had this strength to fight back. He held onto Kay's boot and push her off him. She moved a few steps backwards and Jonah got up quickly, holding his bleeding stomach. He charged towards Kay and gave her six heavy punches, sending her dizziness, bleeding nostrils and a broken lower lip. Kay fell to the ground, still struggling to get herself. Jonah stomped on her stomach too, just to make her feel what he felt. "How you like that, huh?" He stomped several more times. He kicked her face and then stomped on her right wrist which had bandages on it. She let out a loud grunt, mostly because she had cut her palms in anger, so Jonah had just reopened the wound she had cost herself. Jonah's stomp weakened her grip on the knife and he took the knife from her. He cut her face in several places, making little marks that are painful. He wanted her to get a taste of her medicine. He even cut her brows, cheeks, chin and ears. He didn't want to kill her, he has never killed anyone before but he felt he needed to teach her a lesson that would make her stay away from him forever. He gave her four more punches to weaken her and then he dragged her to the open road, he hit her head on the tarred road, holding her hair. Kay was helpless and bleeding all over her face. She was so weak, and she thought to herself, she has to has to find a way to escape but she was too weak to do so. Jonah stretched out her hands to the road, when he saw a car speeding so fast towards them, the driver saw them but it was too late to pull the breaks so he tried to divert and the two tyres climbed Kay's limbs, she let out a loud scream as she felt the cracklings of her bones breaking. She got up and ran through the expressway, not minding the cars that were driving through on high speed. She crossed over to the other side, she kept running and Jonah felt satisfied. The driver who ran over Kay's fingers pulled up not far from where the incident happened, he thought he killed someone, but before he could get down his car, Jonah quickly got into his and drove off. The man stood there confused.


Saturday, January 2, 2021



                  Photo credit: Shutterstock

Jonah had been rushed to the hospital after Kay's attack on him. He had explained to the police how he met her and what they had discussed. He even showed them evidence of their chats that he was harmless and she had simply planned to kill him. The police were working on the case but couldn't crack it. 

The hospital had stablized Jonah by now but the fear of Kay trying to kill him was still playing over and over in his head. He was hoping for a quick recovery so he can fly back to his state, as he had flown in to see Kay.

Kay being a psychopath that she is, was able to track down the hospital Jonah had been taken to. She found her way to the parking lot and was calculating how to go about sneaking in, as the hospital appeared to have enough security.

Just then, a lady walked to the parking lot, trying to get into her car, she was wearing scrubs, indicating that she is a nurse at the hospital.

Kay, immediately had a plan. She snuck up to the lady, clenched both of her hands together into a big fit, she gave the lady a strong hit at the back of her head, the woman hit her head against the car door and passed out.

Kay changed into the nurse's scrubs and took her I.D card. She wore the I.D but turned it backwards so that it's just on her neck but you can't see the name or the passport photograph of the owner.

Lucky for Kay, the nurse wore a singlet and black shorts underneath her scrubs. Kay had planned to wheel Jonah out of the hospital, then take him to her desired location to chop him into little chunks for fighting her back at the hotel. A thought came to her, she gave a weird grin and went to grab the wheelchair she had in the boot of her car. She pulled it out and placed the nurse on it. Kay had a plan in mind, she had already filled a lethal dose mixture of insulin and some poisonous substance into a syringe from home, she had hoped to inject it into Jonah at the hospital before wheeling him out.

Kay needed a distraction, so she wheeled the nurse she had knocked out into the hospital. She was screaming for help and drawing attention. The hospital staff recognizing the woman Kay had wheeled in, all rushed to help. With their attention on the nurse she wheeled in, Kay made her way through the male Ward to find Jonah. Nobody had the time to pick Kay's face as she caused a lot of confusion on her arrival.

On the other hand, Jonah had requested a private room in the male's ward for his safety as he doesn't want random persons coming in to visit his roommate. Alas, his decision may just be his end.

Kay already knew the room Jonah was in, she has been keeping tabs on him. She slowly looked around to see no one was watching. She always had a disguise look, this time, given that she has to wear scrubs, she changed her hair. She wore a pixie cut wig and had put a mole by her left cheek.

She noticed a cleaning lady at the far end of the corridor but ignored. She slowly pushed open the door to Jonah's room and careful walked in. She met the absence of Jonah in the room, when she heard the toilet flush. She knew he was coming. She hid at a corner by the window, using the curtain to cover herself. Jonah walked out of the toilet and suspected nothing as the room was in order as he had left it. He had bandages round his tummy a plaster on the back of his hand for I.V. He gently sat on his bed and was about to lie back down when he felt the curtains move. His heart thumped, he remained still, grabbing hold of his I.V stand which wasn't connected to him. 

Kay, seeing that Jonah already knew someone was there, push off the curtain, saying; "Missed me?"

Jonah panicked. A woman that over powered him when he wasn't injured, how much more now that he is injured, he thought. Kay pulled out her syringe filled with insulin and some other mixtures that she hoped would cause a slow death of Jonah before she wheeled him out of the hospital and gave Jonah that creepy smile. Jonah clenched onto his I.V stand and quickly made a move towards Kay. He hit her hard with the I.V stand and Kay fell on the face to the floor and the syringe rolled off a little. Jonah ran to get the syringe, he felt pains on his sides, the simple effort he had put to lift the I.V stand was hurting him. Kay, being someone who has had a lot pain in her life, couldn't be stopped by a mere hit from an I.V stand. Before Jonah could manage to pick the syringe up, Kay rushed to him and pushed him off. She grabbed the syringe off the floor and pounced on Jonah. She gave him several punches and then she took the cap off the syringe using her teeth and spit it off. By now, she had pinned Jonah down, with her knees pressed against his arms. She was sitting on his tummy and he was feeling intense pain. Her left hand on his neck, choking him and the other hand holding the syringe. She was going to inject him on the wrist but Jonah wouldn't stay still, he kept wiggling to the point the syringe fell off her hand. Jonah getting his slightest opportunity, kicked Kay at the back of her head, causing her to lose balance. Jonah grabbed the syringe and immediately stabbed it into her neck and pushed it in a little, letting some of her insulin mixtures get in. Kay gave a loud squeal like a defeated dragon. Jonah punched her off his body. She ran out of the room in fear, that her own poison would kill her, she ran down the corridor towards the cleaning lady she had seen. The sight of syringe stuck in her neck freaked the lady out. At same time, nurses and doctors came running towards Jonah's room where the screaming came from. Kay forced the cleaning lady to show her the way out of the hospital. The lady took her through the emergency back door that led to the underground parking lot. Kay pushed the lady off and drove out in full speed. Holding her neck. She had pulled out the syringe and tied her neck with a scarf.



                   Photo credit: Shutterstock

Kay is a psychopath and a strategic serial killer, who doesn't care about the pains she puts on others. Rather, she finds joy in causing others pain. Jonah is her victim number four in two months. He has no idea that Kay is mentally ill. 

Kay's strategy is usually making friends online, on any social media platform. Her vitcims are usually men. Kay first make the victim a friend then she stylishly makes him fall for her. She then goes ahead to seduce them with nude pictures and videos of herself. Then she entices her victim to come pay her a visit.

Her victims usually lodges in a hotel as Kay had promise them a good time with her. 

Kay usually puts her victim's body in the bathtub and leaves the water running till it over flows. She also puts a cigarette in her victim's mouth. Her killing method in cutting her victim's wrist so they bleed and die quicker.

Her strategy makes her feel fulfilled. She also does this to leave traces so that the investigators would know the killings are done by thesame person in the same manner.

She enjoys hearing her victim's death news on Televisions and radios.

Jonah had made plans to meet with Kay. He was already at the hotel waiting. Not long after, Kay arrived at the hotel. She had dressed in a disguised manner, making herself look totally different. This way, even if a dead body is found, you can never tell who the lady is because nobody saw her real face. The lady at the front desk had told her that Jonah was expecting her. Kay is so smart she even changed her voice and walking step. She also wore sun glasses and a grey wig. She was given directions to the room.

Kay had dressed so seductively, showing cleavages. She knocked on Jonah's door and he answered. Jonah's mouth watered at the thought of what he would do with her. Kay sat down, they had some drinks, then she suggested they had a bath together in the tub before they begin their sexual adventure.

They both got naked and chilled in the tub. A little while later, Kay pulled out a penknife from her hair. You would think it's a hair pin because it's always in her hair, meanwhile it's a disguised knife. 

The moment she tried to cut his wrist, Jonah noticed. 

"What are you doing?" He asked a bit perplexed.

"Hold still." She said, trying to cut him.

"What do you mean hold still?" He freaked out, getting out of the tub.

Of course, Kay wouldn't let him go. She pulled him back into the tub and he fought with her. He was so terrified. Jonah was struggling to push her off but she over powered him and stabbed his stomach twice in seconds. He pushed her hard and she fell back into the tub and hit her head against the tub, she was slightly unconscious. Jonah grabbed a towel, wrapped it around his waist and ran out of the room. He was screaming for help and a room service attendant heard him. The young man ran to Jonah and found him bleeding, Jonah could hardly speak, he just needs help. The attendant called for help and some other hotel lodgers came out of their rooms. Every where slightly noisy as they carried Jonah down the stairs. Some people were scared, others thought Jonah probably had a disagreement with his escort. 

"She is still in there." Jonah managed to say as the hotel attendants administered First Aid to him.

Two of the hotel attendants went straight into the room to check out who could have stabbed their customer. They had no reasonable weapons with them. One had a long wooden bat and the other had his hands. He said he could fight. They got into the room and met no one. The window was open and they thought to look through it, they heard a little movement by the window. Turns out Kay is hiding behind the curtain. Before they could approach her, she jumped out on them and gave the guy with the bat an uppercut, right by the side of his neck. He fell down on his back and she kicked the guy who said he can fight. She gave him a clothesline and slammed him into the table there. The noise coming from the room was attracting more people. So Kay looked out of the window, it was high as they were on the first floor. She looked at it for a while, calculating her easiest way out. The men she had knocked down were waking up. She had to act fast. She ran backwards and then straight jump out of the window. The men she knocked down freaked out and ran to the window to see what's up.

"Oh my God! I think she is dead." Said the one with the bat, rubbing his jaw to ease the pain.

Kay was lying flat on the ground. "She does look dead." The other said.

"The psycho doesn't want to get caught."

"So she killed herself." The other added.

Just then, Kay got up, she was limping and in pain. She fixed her dislocated knee and crossed the road, over to the other side.

"Oh dear, she is a pro." One of the men let out in fear.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020


My love for Henry grew. We had fun and spent lots of time together.

Time went by and to cut the long story short, Henry moved out of his aunt's.  He moved into his own. I finished school and we we're both doing well.

I never heard from Maxwell. 

Before you could say Jack Robinson, we got married. 

A happy marriage it was and we had two charming boys. 

Life was going on fine until I ruined it with my both hands. 

It all started the day I went to the mall to get somethings for the house. There, someone hugged me from behind. I turned, and to my surprise it was Maxwell. Still as handsome as ever! 

"Maxwell! How have you been? It's been ages! How long now?"

"12 years." He responded boldly.

We got talking and those old feelings came back. It enveloped us both. I didn't tell Henry my husband that I met Maxwell. 

Maxwell and I got texting. We were resurrecting our lost bond. Trust me, it wasn't the right to do, I was stupid and I admit it. Though it seems so late, I wish I can turn things over. 

I was 30 and Maxwell was 33. He still looked young. He had been out of the country. He has been in Germany. 

He invited me over to his place. We got talking, you know and... We had sex. It reminded of my first sex. Which was with him. This one even felt more better. 

I didn't know why I couldn't hold myself, I just felt maybe if I had given us a chance then, we would have turned out great! 

There I was again, acting like a naive teenager. I didn't just have sex once with Maxwell, it happened several other times. 

Guilt was killing me each time I came home. My husband Henry has been faithful, this definitely isn't the right way to pay back. 

Each time I looked at my sons faces, I felt so bad.

Then it came when I asked Max to elope with me. "That's not necessary" He responded.

Even though he didn't like the idea, I went ahead and told Henry I wanted a divorce. 

Henry was surprised. In a short while I was willing to give up everything I have to be with Max. 

Even my sons. 

I told my husband I didn't want custody of the kids. He can have them. I just wanted a life with Max. Henry tried to make me reason but I wouldn't listen.

I signed papers. Left my family and moved in with Max. When the time came to move to Germany.  Max said; "Come go back to your family."

"No baby, I am going with you." I smiled.

"Don't be silly, he said. I have a wife and beautiful daughter I wouldn't give up for anything."

 I was shocked. "Wh...What do you mean wife and daughter?" I managed to say.

"Yes, I am going back to my family. I am a happily married man."

"You didn't tell me you're married." Tears rolled down my eyes.

"You never asked." He gave me that stare. 

I was broken. 

What have I done? 

Again I let my feelings ride me.

Max left me, he travelled back to Germany. 

A round up of three months since I left my family and six months affair with Max.

Maybe there is something I could do. I'll go back and beg. 

I returned home and my seven-year old answerd the door.

"Mum?" His soft voice sounded in dismay.

My husband Henry rushed to the door carrying our four year old.

I was so happy to see them but they weren't.

"What do you want?" Henry asked. 

A second chance! I responded.

"Too late." My seven year old said.

I looked at my four year old and he looked away. Hugging his dad tight. 

Henry took them in and shut the door at me. 

That was how I lost everything, Everything! Now, I am sitting in my apartment looking aimlessly out of the window

My Life ENDED. 



Two weeks after my sex with Maxwell, I started preparing to move to Lagos.

I called Henry to let him know that I'll be in Lagos soon. I asked for his house address he said I shouldn't bother that he'll rather come get me when I arrive. It was very exciting. 

Meanwhile, my mother had said I wouldn't live in school that she wants someone to keep a close eye on me. That I am still pretty young to live on my own.

She felt I wouldn't survive alone. 

She phoned her old school mate who turned out to be her very good friend Mrs. Jonathan  that I'll be coming. Mrs. Jonathan is a member of the board at Unilag.

The woman being a very good lady didn't bother, she said I am welcomed to stay as long as I want.

I was excited. 

I got all packed, ready to face my life as an adult. I never heard from Maxwell again. I thought he probably man up and took his L.

I took a bus to Lagos, Lord it was so so far away. I was even regretting my journey. 

I got there and this fine lady was waiting for me. I arrived very late at night at about 10:30pm.

By the time we got to the house, it was about 11:30pm. 

Being so tired, I only took my bath, had a quick tea and slept off.

The next morning, I woke up very excited to call Henry. I saw so many missed call from him.

I called him and he was happy I've arrived. 

I was on phone, headed for the restroom close to my room for morning wee. I knocked and a voice answered, "occupied." 

It was a man's voice so I waited a bit. 

Dude came out and Lo! It was "Henry!!!"

I screamed. He was so surprised. He gave me a hug. 

We couldn't stop talking out of excitement.

Turned out Mrs. Jonathan is Henry's aunt whom he lives with.

What a coincidence right!?



I lived like this for sometime before Max withdrew his calls again. I tried to reach Max but couldn't so I focused on Henry.

Our love grew even stronger except we couldn't see each other physically. So, I decided that when I'd take my JAMB exam, I'll put Lagos because Henry lives in Lagos with his aunt.

According to him, he planed on moving out soon. For me it wasn't a problem, I was just happy to see him.

So I wrote my JAMB, took my exams and there! I passed.

Two weeks after my exam, a call came in. It was Maxwell and guess what!

He is back! 

He dearly wanted to see me but I kept my distance, knowing my feelings for Henry beats my feelings for him. After a lot of pressure from Max, I dressed up that day and went to see him.

I was determined to let him know, I was seeing someone else. 

I got to his house, there he was, charming as ever. He flashed me that pretty smile that sends shivers down my spine. At that instant, the memories we shared dropped right in my head.

I smiled broadly and gave him a big hug. 

Maxwell, being a thick physique man, wrapped me even better and I felt this warm comfort and a strange feeling over taking me. 

So far, the only thing I've shared with Maxwell is a kiss, which I was even shy to give that day he travelled. 

For me, Maxwell is a gentleman, he agreed to my terms of no sex and wouldn't want to force me into doing anything I don't want to do. 

I released my hug and fixed my gaze on Maxwell's eyes then I moved it to this lips. He got the message, he gave a light smile and I kissed him. 

Mind you, I was still standing at the door and haven't said a word.

I kissed him deeply, then I pulled out. He looked at me with those eyes, that look that bursts my feelings and have everything flowing out.

Our lips met again, this time, with passion and force. Each instantly warming to the touch of the other. 

Lips parting, tongues dipping and our breath mingling.

His mouth demanding that I keep giving and his tongue thrusting.

We got to the bedroom which I didn't know how we got there.

In an instant, clothes were off.

Our body came together and I can tell you, lawd! That was the moment. I couldn't hold myself. Our lips met again, he moved onto his back, his left hand holding the nape of my neck, his right hand smoothing down my back to the curve around my hip. 

My hands were in his short afro hair, strong and firm on his scalp. Caressing as they comb through his black thick afro.

This was my moment, locked in passion, I was sure I wanted this. I was 18, I knew what I wanted. There was no going back at this time. 

The thought of Henry flashed through my mind and I pushed it off. Max was now kissing down slowly through my tummy. I wasn't going to stop him.

There, I had my first sex with him and I didn't regret it.

It felt so good I am proud of it even till today but that wasn't all. 

After the sex, that was when we actually spoke. All through sex, we only communicated with moaning.

I told Max I loved him, but I love someone else even more.

He was surprised and dumbfounded. 

I told him, I only had sex with him so he wouldn't feel cheated. 

Plus, I wanted to know what it felt like having sex. 

Meanwhile I was lying. I slept with him because I can't control my emotions when around him but I had to form boss like no emotions was attached.

Max was down, pained and betrayed but I loved Henry more. At least I thought so.

Now I have to deal with the guilt of having to pretend to Henry that I've been faithful. To think I'll be moving to Lagos soon.

My love life was complicated, I couldn't control being in love with two men at same time. 



My relationship with Henry continued happily until the fifth month.

It happened on a hot afternoon, I received a phone call from an International number. I answered; "Hello?"

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?"

"I am good, may I know who's speaking?" I asked

"It's me, Maxwell"

I was shocked. "Oh Maxwell, I said. How have you been?"

"Been good, missing you badly."

 "It's normal. I said, "Missingyou too. I didn't hear from you since you left. It's been eight months Maxwell, you forgot me."

"Babe, I didn't forget you a bit. I was so busy. Besides, I lost your number. I just saw it today in a piece of paper I slipped into my dairy after months of trying to reach you."

"Okay." I said.

"So what's up with us? Are we still on or you're seeing someone else?"

I was silent for a while then I said; "Yes of course we are still on."

He was very excited.

I couldn't find the courage to tell him I was in an online relationship with an invisible guy. Since I haven't met Henry in person, I couldn't just discharge Maxwell.

I was so sure of both guys loving me, I couldn't risk losing them. I didn't tell Max I was dating Henry and I also couldn't tell Henry that Max has returned.

I know, I was wrong but I wanted them both. I couldn't have chosen better.


Monday, December 14, 2020




"Tears rolled down my eyes as I looked out of my apartment window. I'm now all alone, no kids, no husband, no lover. I couldn't possibly believe I lost everything I owned. All my loved ones, no one trusts me anymore. I wish I did not do what I've done.

My name is Kimberly, mostly called Kim.

"The memories of my love life still remains fresh in my mind. Seems just like yesterday, when everything was fine and perfect.

It all started when my parents divorced, I was eleven years old. The incident broke my mum. We were 3 kids and I am the last. I have an elder brother and a sister. My sister was thirteen and my brother was sixteen. 

  Due to the divorce, my mother warned us about men and painted them very bad for my little mind. 

My sister's sad relationships didn't help matters. I developed hatred for men as a tween but when I was sixteen, love found me. What can I say? Nature had it's way. 

I signed up for Facebook in 2008. I was sixteen, I didn't know my way much around then but it was pretty much my favourite app at that time. 


Meanwhile, there was this guy around my neighbourhood whom I met a week to Valentine's day. His name was Maxwell but we called him Max. 

I didn't know Max until he asked me out. From that day onward, he occupied a whole lot of my thoughts. I didn't give him my phone number the first day I met him, I didn't want to look cheap. I didn't hear from Max or see him for about a month until I met him again. 

I had gone to get something from a store, he was at a barbing saloon close to the store. I was so excited to see him after so long. Though it was just a month, I felt it. We exchanged pleasantries and he asked for my contact again. 

I didn't hesitate to give him cause I couldn't afford not to see him again. We talked a lot that night before I left. I was exhilarated as I went home, I finally gave him my number. I was eager to know what love with a man felt like.

Max called me that night and the next morning too.

We hung out on Valentine's day and trust me it was awesome. Since I was still young then, I didn't want to have sex or even kiss.

I genuinely loved Max and he felt same too. 

We began dating.

"Meanwhile, two days after my 17th birthday, which was June 2nd, I received a friend request on Facebook from a guy, Henry. We began chatting, little did I know my life will end with him. 

Henry turned my gist partner as Maxwell was mostly busy. 

I'd tell Henry everything going on between Max and I. Henry was encouraging and supportive for someone I've never met. The way Henry talked to me sometimes, made me felt like he had feelings for me.

On the other hand, Max was my everything. He made me see that my mother was wrong and men are charming. 4months into our relationship, Max told me he had to travel out of the country to take a year course. He asked me to wait for him. I agreed to wait. 

I was happy for him but at the same time sad because I'll miss him.

We took a pictures together, he kept one copy and I took the other copy. I followed him to the airport and waited till his flight left.

He left for Switzerland. 

I went back to Facebook and continued talking to Henry. I complained on how I haven't heard from Max, Henry told me to be calm that Max will reach me but Max never did. 3 months down the line, I developed feelings for Henry. One night Henry told me he loves me. My heart skipped. 

I couldn't help but confess I felt same way too. It was an awkward night. Knowing I was waiting for Max to return. 

That was how I began dating Henry. It was awesome.

Though young, I understood the repercussions of what I was doing.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

First Story

First Story

 The first story coming your way will be our dear "Life 0F A Fan." A book written by Michal Chigbo, which trended on Facebook last year August 2017. I have decided to create a link and pages for it, so as to make it easier for readers.

It talks about the life of a fan who eventually found herself in the house of her celebrity crush.
Follow Life 0F A Fan on
Facebook: Life 0F A Fan
Twitter: Life 0F A Fan

Will be posting one chapter per day.