Kay got to her house, treated herself and she was lucky enough that Jonah couldn't inject more than he had, otherwise she would have lost her life. However, she wasn't ready to give up. She always take down her victims, she has never met anyone this tough to kill, anyone this challenging. Thinking about it made her furious. She was standing in front of her mirror, looking at herself and the thought of not being able to take down her victim number four made her so angry she began to cut herself with her hair pin-like pen knife. She was cutting herself, little by little and glaring at the mirror, she was going to track down Jonah, find him and kill him. She touched her bleeding palm on her mirror and chuckled.
Jonah tried to fly out of the state as soon as possible but he couldn't get a flight for that day so he stayed back for another day. He ended up changing his mind when he thought, what if Kay tracks him down in the plane and attacks him, he can't just jump off a plane so he decided to go by road.
He got a car off someone and embarked on his journey as early as before sunrise. He wanted to be far away before Kay tracks him down. The car was an old blue 2005 Volkswagen Passat, it wasn't new but it equally wasn't rusty.
Jonah put his bag in the boot of the car and started the engine and it kicked off fine. He drove for about 80 minutes and was speeding straight through the express when he noticed a monster power bike riding fast towards him. Someone was on it, the person was on all black. Black leather pants, black shirt, black leather Jacket and leather black boots. At first, Jonah didn't bother until the monster power bike was closing up on him and was obviously following him, that was when he packnied.
The power bike drove past Jonah's car, drove a little further and instantly reversed, facing Jonah. Jonah pulled the brakes immediately and the car came to a stop. Right in the middle of the expressway, they both faced each other and cars were swifting past them. The monster biker took off the helmet and it was Kay. Jonah shook, but he wasn't so surprised. He expected that she will track him. "Clearly, I have no choice than to use my martial arts skills." Jonah said to himself, still on this wheel.
Jonah used to be a member of a martial arts club, many years ago. He may be rusty but he must save his own life as the police still can't track down Kay.
Kay got off the bike and stood facing Jonah and his car. Jonah equally got down, and stood facing her. They seem to care less about the cars swifting past them. Kay smiled, and pulled out a different hair pin from her hair, the other penknife hair pin was still in her hair. She pressed the hair pin and it popped out a longer slim knife. "You like my new hair pin? Extra sharp." She chuckled. Jonah clenched his fist, and maintained his gaze at her. Kay threw her helmet at him and he dodged, the helmet fell on the ground making a loud rickety sound.
Kay attacked him immediately, rushing towards him and swinging the sword like knife to cut him and Jonah ducked. He stepped on her toe, which made her lose balance then he kicked her at the back of the knee. She knelt on one knee, and he used his elbow to stab the side of her neck. Then he withdrew, positioned his fist and gave her time to get up. She looked at him in dismay, got up and flexed her shoulders to ease the pain on her neck. "I see, you are a tough one." She said. Jonah ignored her, keeping his position.
They both charged towards each other and Kay gave him a powerful kick to the face that sent him falling to the ground on his back. She stomped on his stomach with her boot, hurting his guts. Jonah held her boot, trying to get her foot off him. She used her knife to make a little cut on his right shoulder, Jonah let out a grunt. His shoulder began to bleed and her boot constantly grinding his guts, provoked the injury from the stabbing she had stabbed him to start bleeding afresh. Jonah was in pain, and Kay was enjoying it. Those driving past them at the express seemed to not care at all. Besides, very few cars were driving by so no one could really help Jonah. Kay cut him again, this time, on his other shoulder. Jonah let out another painful grunt and suddenly he had this strength to fight back. He held onto Kay's boot and push her off him. She moved a few steps backwards and Jonah got up quickly, holding his bleeding stomach. He charged towards Kay and gave her six heavy punches, sending her dizziness, bleeding nostrils and a broken lower lip. Kay fell to the ground, still struggling to get herself. Jonah stomped on her stomach too, just to make her feel what he felt. "How you like that, huh?" He stomped several more times. He kicked her face and then stomped on her right wrist which had bandages on it. She let out a loud grunt, mostly because she had cut her palms in anger, so Jonah had just reopened the wound she had cost herself. Jonah's stomp weakened her grip on the knife and he took the knife from her. He cut her face in several places, making little marks that are painful. He wanted her to get a taste of her medicine. He even cut her brows, cheeks, chin and ears. He didn't want to kill her, he has never killed anyone before but he felt he needed to teach her a lesson that would make her stay away from him forever. He gave her four more punches to weaken her and then he dragged her to the open road, he hit her head on the tarred road, holding her hair. Kay was helpless and bleeding all over her face. She was so weak, and she thought to herself, she has to has to find a way to escape but she was too weak to do so. Jonah stretched out her hands to the road, when he saw a car speeding so fast towards them, the driver saw them but it was too late to pull the breaks so he tried to divert and the two tyres climbed Kay's limbs, she let out a loud scream as she felt the cracklings of her bones breaking. She got up and ran through the expressway, not minding the cars that were driving through on high speed. She crossed over to the other side, she kept running and Jonah felt satisfied. The driver who ran over Kay's fingers pulled up not far from where the incident happened, he thought he killed someone, but before he could get down his car, Jonah quickly got into his and drove off. The man stood there confused.